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Vic Bushfire reports - BBAL Reports and BMO Overlay Bushfire Management statements for Victoria
Vic Bushfire reports - BBAL Reports and BMO Overlay Bushfire Management statements for Victoria

What is a Bushfire Management Statement and when is it required?

If your property is within a Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) then a Bushfire Management Statement is required in the planning permit. These include depending a the pathway required . A BMP a bushfire management Plan.& a BMS a Bushfire Management Statement.


  • Pathway 1: $1250 Gst Incl  (usually new single dwellings in a existing residential area)

  • Pathway 2: $1495 Gst Incl (any outbuildings or extensions to a existing building or proposed new buildings &change of building use)

  • Pathway 3: $1995 Gst Incl (subdivisions or multi use of land & some commercial developments)

A bushfire management statement (BMS) is included in the planning permit application to meet the requirements of Clauses 44.06 & 53.02 of the Victorian Planning Provisions. A Bushfire Management Statement can be of two Pathways. Pathway 1 & Pathway 2.

Pathway 1 can only be used for an application for a single dwelling on a lot in the Bushfire management Overlay and which meets all of the following requirements:

  • The land is zoned Neighbourhood Residential Zone, General Residential Zone, Residential Growth Zone, Urban Growth Zone, Low Density Residential Zone, Township Zone or Rural Living Zone
  • There is only one dwelling on the lot
  • The application meets all of the approved measure contained in Clause 53.02-3

Pathway 2 is used for all other buildings (commercial, industrial, retail buildings, clubs, warehouses etc).

A Bushfire Management Statement includes the following:

  • A Bushfire Hazard landscape assessment

    • A plan that describes the bushfire hazard of the general locality more than 150 metres from the site.

  • A Bushfire hazard site assessment

    • A plan that describes the bushfire hazard within 150 metres of the proposed development.

  • A bushfire management statement

    • Describes how the proposed development responds to the requirements of Clause 44.06 and 53.02 of the Victorian Planning Provisions.

What is the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO)?

The Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) applies to land that may be significantly affected by a bushfire. The BMO triggers the need for a planning permit for certain developments and requires new developments to include appropriate bushfire protection measures.

The Bushfire Management Overlay is a planning control applied to land with the potential to be affected by extreme bushfires. New development and uses in the BMO may require a planning permit. This ensures that bushfire hazards, such as vegetation, slope and site access are assessed, and that bushfire protection measures are in place to manage risk.

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Customer Reviews

Vic Bushfire Reports were extremely thorough and professional when assessing our bushfire risk and provided us with a full management plan. Very highly recommended!

Jonathan, South Gippsland